hot glass sculpting in workshop
Arts & Crafts | Example Card Programs

Jason Conrad Glass Art

Loyalty Card Program

qr code for jason conrad glass art on flex rewards

Scan or tap code to add loyalty card

Number of Stamps

5 Stamps

Card Configuration

5 Stamps = Free Hour Class


Free hour of glassblowing instruction when you buy and use 4 hours of instruction in the studio. Instruction is personalized and can be used to learn new skills or create your own vessel.


Airdrops = 20% Discount Voucher on Purchases Under $100


Arts & crafts, sculpting, hobbies, things to do


Boutique glass blowing lessons and the sale of glass sculptures


A glassblowing studio in Palo Cedro that specializes in functional art, lessons, and make your own workshops


9845 Hillview Dr, Palo Cedro, CA 96073, USA





Copper & Grey Gifts

3 Stamps = Free Greeting Card!
9 Stamps = 10% Off Purchase!
15 Stamps = £10 gift voucher

Digital and Social Media Marketing Services

1. Complete the Form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Our digital and social media marketing services are only available to existing Flex Rewards clients.

NEXT STEP: If you have not already done so, please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Community Giving Package

1. Complete the form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Charities, educational institutions and non-profit organizations are eligible for free or significantly discounted pricing. 

NEXT STEP: Please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Startup Package

1. Complete the Form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Startups and micro-businesses are eligible to use Flex Rewards for free until your 50th customer. There is no time limit.

NEXT STEP: Please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Thank you for choosing us!

We want to make your experience truly awesome. As you explore, reach out to us if you have any questions.

Welcome to Flex Rewards!

Hit "Continue" to create a new account

A new page will open so you can register. You can use all our amazing features without restrictions for 30-days free*.

*Please have your payment details ready. You’ll need to input card details, but you won’t be charged a thing.

Thank you for choosing us!

We want you to have an awesome experience. As you explore, please let us know if you have any questions.

Welcome to Flex Rewards!

A new page will open to your dashboard

Click “Let’s Go” to register a new merchant account. You can use all our amazing features without restrictions for 30-days free*.

*Please have your payment details ready. You’ll need to input card details, but you won’t be charged a thing.