young kid jumping mid air in the middle of a country highway
Blog | Loyalty

How we “Flipped Out” when Flip Out Nelson Joined Flex Rewards

Flip Out Nelson is a family-oriented indoor trampoline park in Nelson, New Zealand. Owned and operated by Phil and Megan Wright, Flip Out is a true local fixture in the Nelson and Richmond communities.

We Flipped Out Dude!

The Flex Rewards team was super excited when Flip Out signed onto the virtual stamp card program. Why? Not just because the Flip Out brand is super cool, but also because Flip Out was one of the first non F&B merchants for Flex Rewards in New Zealand.

Flip Out has a lot of regular kids, families and school groups come to their modern indoor trampoline park, but one thing was lacking — a good loyalty system that could track and engage with all of their customer directly.

Why Flip Out Chose Flex Rewards

Here are the reason why Phil and Megan thought giving Flex Rewards a try was a good thing to do:

1. QR Codes

Getting customers to scan a QR code is something that New Zealanders understand. There’s a national COVID tracing app which everyone uses, and that requires people to scan a big QR code to register their attendance at a venue. Asking customers to scan a Flex Rewards QR code is an easy and intuitive thing to do.

2. No Hardware

The great thing about Flex Rewards was the ability to print all the QR codes from the office printer and put them on the counter and on the table. Flip Out literally began signing up their customers onto their loyalty program within 2 hours of signing up.

3. Collecting Customer Information

Flip Out liked the idea of building their email list. Email in New Zealand is still a primary communication method, and having the email addresses of all their customers is a crucial business tool. Their social media analyst Taylor Hodge knows the value of customer data to target audiences on social media, and the email list collected by Flex Rewards could feed directly into their media marketing operations.

4. Capturing Social Media Followers

The ability to send QR codes and weblinks to sign up the thousands of Flip Out social media followers was also another big selling point. Offering all of their digital audience an easy way to sign onto their loyalty program was something their current POS providers didn’t provide.

You can find out more about Flip Out Nelson here!




Digital and Social Media Marketing Services

1. Complete the Form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Our digital and social media marketing services are only available to existing Flex Rewards clients.

NEXT STEP: If you have not already done so, please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Community Giving Package

1. Complete the form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Charities, educational institutions and non-profit organizations are eligible for free or significantly discounted pricing. 

NEXT STEP: Please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Startup Package

1. Complete the Form
2. Create a Merchant Account
3. We'll respond within 24 hours

Startups and micro-businesses are eligible to use Flex Rewards for free until your 50th customer. There is no time limit.

NEXT STEP: Please create a merchant account at using the same details as above.

Thank you for choosing us!

We want to make your experience truly awesome. As you explore, reach out to us if you have any questions.

Welcome to Flex Rewards!

Hit "Continue" to create a new account

A new page will open so you can register. You can use all our amazing features without restrictions for 30-days free*.

*Please have your payment details ready. You’ll need to input card details, but you won’t be charged a thing.

Thank you for choosing us!

We want you to have an awesome experience. As you explore, please let us know if you have any questions.

Welcome to Flex Rewards!

A new page will open to your dashboard

Click “Let’s Go” to register a new merchant account. You can use all our amazing features without restrictions for 30-days free*.

*Please have your payment details ready. You’ll need to input card details, but you won’t be charged a thing.