What is the Giftbox and How Does it Work?

In the app, the user’s “Giftbox” section is where rewards from “airdrop promotions” are sent. Airdrops are promotional rewards sent by merchants that “fire” when any Flex Rewards app user enters a 300 meter geofence radius around your store location address. In other words, whenever any app user enters your airdrop zone, and if you have enabled airdrop promotions, your promotional reward is immediately delivered to the user. The user must have enabled location permission settings on their phone in order to receive airdropped rewards.

As a merchant, you may configure Airdrop promotions under the “Promotions” section of your Dashboard. Airdropped rewards, when sent to the user, will appear in the user’s Giftbox. A push notification will also alert the app users that he/she has received a new promotional reward from you.

Screencapture of Merchant Portal Airdrop Promotions Tab
You can configure airdrop rewards from the Promotions section of your Dashboard